Strawberry Farmer’s Son: Story 23

After 40 years of attending and leading staff meetings, I picked up on a trend.
It seems that all the meetings sound alike, especially with the trite phrases that we often repeat. They are probably credible when we say them, but they kind of lose their meaning over the years.


So I made a list of some of my favorite "Staff Meeting Sayings":

10 phrases you can say at any staff meeting and sound important on almost any subject:

1. The trick is finding a balance. 
2. Well it is what it is!
3. Can I piggy back on that thought?
4. Let's think outside the box.
5. That's not on our mission.
6. I hear what you're saying, but can I add a few thoughts?
7. I think you're all wrong, and this is definitely not going to work.
8. Let's put a pin in it and come back later.
9. What time are we going to lunch?
10. Sorry I'm late, got stuck in traffic.