What's Your
Next Step?
What's Your
Next Step?
Our purpose at Journey is to help YOU become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ! With that in mind, we’ve listed 13 potential Next Steps to help you move forward in faith. It’s by no means an exhaustive list, but simply a few options to help you start to moving in the right direction.
Trust Jesus as Lord
When Jesus is Lord, He rules & reigns supreme over every area of life. Trust Him today by repenting of sin, asking Him to be your Lord & believing He conquered sin, death & the grave when He rose from the dead.
Get Water Baptized
Water baptism is a chance for us to identify with Jesus’ death, burial & resurrection by obeying His command. Choose to identify with Jesus (not the world) & sign up on a Connect Card today!
Pray for Holy Spirit Baptism
Each person receives the Spirit when they are born-again, but Scripture describes subsequent, ongoing experiences with the Spirit as a way to empower believers for reaching the lost, serving others & living victoriously over sin. Pray for God’s empowerment & go to the altar until you’re filled! (Acts 8:14-17; John 7:38; Luke 11:13)
Attend Pizza with the Pastors
The saying, “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future is popular because it’s true. Get connected to the staff and other believers at Journey by attending Pizza with the Pastors following the 2nd service on the 1st Sunday of every month.(Acts 2:41-42)
Live in Freedom Over Hurts, Habits & Hangups
Growing in faith requires freedom from the past, destroying current controlling habits & developing various biblical disciplines. Choose to attend Celebrate Recovery for a semester & watch how God changes your life!
Develop a Biblical Worldview
It’s true that our outward actions stem from our deepest beliefs. Do the actions of your life reflect what you say you believe? At Journey, we grow intentionally which means we choose to investigate our beliefs. Watch the iBelieve series to solidify your beliefs!
Share Your Faith
By God’s grace through faith in Jesus, our current lives & eternal destinies have been changed! Learn to share the Gospel by watching, “Crash Course On Evangelism” by Dr. Bobby Conway on RightNow Media today.
Text FREE to 985-261-2100 for your complimentary RightNow Media account!
Serve Others
One of our House Habits is to “Serve with Purpose". Serving helps cultivate your heart by breaking traits like selfishness & pride. It also helps you discover your unique gifts, talents & abilities that help grow God’s kingdom. Talk to Pastor Tanya & join our W-Team today!
Read the Bible Daily
For better or worse, the way you think will determine the kind of person you become. Choosing to read the Bible daily will renew your mind, focus your thoughts & inspire you to move forward in faith! Join our YouVersion Bible reading plan today!
Join a Bible-Based Small Group
While the Bible contains a lot of great information, we read it to know God & experience transformation. Join a Small Group today & move from where you are to where God wants you to be!
Fast & Pray Regularly
Prayer & fasting are means of connection, clarity & power from God! Take the Next Step of faith by connecting with Pastor Mike Lahman & watching “The Prayer Course” by Pete Greig on RightNow Media.
Text FREE to 985-261-2100 for your complimentary RightNow Media account!
Live Generously
At Journey we sacrifice our time, energy & financial resources to empower others & advance the Kingdom of God. Take the Next Step of faith & set up an account on JF.Church to become a regular giver today!
Attend Church Faithfully
Jesus said narrow is the path that leads to everlasting life & few find it. As more & more people in society ignore attending a local church, we challenge you to take the narrow path, live counter-culturally & attend Journey faithfully!
Pastor Al Chartier
Next Step Pastor
Email: AL@JF.Church